These are a few randomly selected testimonials
“For me the hypnosis was what I sought, as I found it really worked with the habit… and I do also have memories of some of the places it took me and the strong emotions it evoked. I think that was very helpful in perhaps also dealing with some grief and guilt.
I am aware as a human services worker that the relationship accounts for a big proportion of the ‘success’… With you I felt totally safe, and that you cared. I really appreciated your genuine desire to help me find/deal with why the habit was occurring. If I lived closer, and had health insurance, I would have loved to do a lot more work with you and continue to explore where it was all coming from, such was the confidence I had in talking with you.
I also took away a clear understanding of how daily meditation in my life could help me. I did well for a few months after last visit, but it dropped off. But I do know, from my time with you, the value of incorporating this into my life and perhaps I will one day develop the discipline to do so.”
Michelle D
Human Services
“I found the sessions informative and productive. You explained everything well and would always listen to what I had to say. After having 4 visits with you my sleep has certainly improved.”
Chloe, 26
HR officer
“Before I saw Lars, I was constantly beating myself up and felt like I was getting no where in life. I felt like I was very scattered, particularly in the area of work. Whilst talking to Lars, it became clear that the “scatterbrain” was indeed the two sides to me: science and art. Once I saw this, I stopped beating myself up for never being a master at either one, but saw myself as a talent in both.
Lars made me see that it was ok to have different sides to my personality and that it’s ok to be a generalist. Exercises I carried out with Lars also made me see my inner critic in a different light, changing the way my inner voice now sounds.
I would recommend Lars to family and friends as a wise, friendly, honest and intelligent man who is intuitive and also gives practical advice.”
Renée Bell, 36
Ipswich, Qld
“I found Lars at a point in my life where I felt like I had lost my mind. I had been suffering for 4 months with a compulsive thought; every time I thought of my partner, the name of my ex-girlfriend also came into my mind. This had become incessant, occurring upwards of 20-30 times a day, and was driving me crazy.
In a single session Lars helped me reduce this by 90%, by what I can only describe as normalising me. I went from feeling crazy to normal in about 1hr!
The following sessions I had with Lars were just fantastic and I can’t recommend him enough. Thank you so much Lars, I really appreciate your help.”
Matt, 33
“At the beginning of 2017, I became a coordinator for quite a large group staff. I had always struggled with speaking in front of others, especially large groups and stepping into this position brought all of those fears to the surface.
I started looking for someone who could assist me with professional development and coming across Lars’ website gave me hope. I liked the holistic approach Lars appeared to have and after our initial over the phone appointment I knew this was the right place for me.
The most important part of my sessions with Lars and something I’ll always keep with me is the fact that Lars taught me that there was nothing actually wrong with me and that there was nothing wrong with the fears and feelings I experience. Instead he taught me how to take ownership of those feelings and turn them into something positive.
Throughout my time with Lars, I also experienced my first ever anxiety attack due to unrelated reasons and I am so thankful to have had Lars walk me through this period of my life and teach me the skills I needed to (hopefully) never have to experience that level of anxiety again.
I would highly recommend Lars to anyone looking to become better versions of themselves!”
Chloe Watego
“My fiancé and I saw Lars for relationship/pre-marriage counselling. Lars is a fantastic counsellor. He communicates well and his longer session times really helped us to get to discuss the real issues. Lars has some great tools and tips for relationships that we have used to date.
I would highly recommend Lars to couples and individuals needing some support in their relationships/lives.
Thank you Lars!”
Belinda, 35
Public Servant