Blog posts –Articles by Lars Andersson
Depression – a few thoughts
This is the August 2012 issue of the Integrating Awareness Newsletter. The theme for this issue is Depression, with articles about: Depression; its causes, symptoms, and treatments, including scientific research findings; Anti-depressant medication; a critical perspective on the most common…
Treating depression – a case for psychotherapy
Feeling down and sad for a long time, feeling hopeless and worthless, finding it difficult to enjoy anything in life including that you used to enjoy before, struggling to make up your mind even about minor things, feeling fatigued a…
Anti-depressants for depression? A critical question.
According to the World Health Organisation depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, and yet only 25% of sufferers have access to effective treatments [Ref. 1]. The first-line medical treatment for people meeting current diagnostic criteria for…
Depression – causes, symptoms, treatments
According to the World Health Organisation depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Over the course of a lifetime 16% of the population will at some time be diagnosed with depression, and in any given year 7%…
The relationship team
This is the June 2012 issue of the Integrating Awareness Newsletter. The theme for this issue is The Relationship Team, with articles about: Formulating your wedding vows, so that they can help in times of difficulty; The four fundamental steps…
The Ultimate Wedding Vows
Many wedding vows that couples use have a long tradition behind them; perhaps they have been mandated by the church or another institution for establishing marriages. Perhaps they have been passed down from one generation to the next within a…
Loving Relationship Intimacy
When the intimacy goes missing in your relationship, it is important that you understand the true meaning of intimacy, in order to know how to revive it. Sweet talking until dawn Have you ever been in love? Of course you…
Relationship Arguing Constructively
When you form a relationship, you form a team, a team of synergy, which can achieve more together than the sum total of what each part of the team could do on their own. Together you can find a solution…
The Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe; a contemplation
I was contemplating Kelvin zero, absolute standstill, and what may lie beyond/prior to that. Then I started thinking about the opposite direction; the speed of light, and whether there is also an upper limit to temperature, when particle vibrations are…
Mindfulness and Meditation
This is the April 2012 issue of the Integrating Awareness Newsletter. The theme for this issue is Mindfulness and Meditation, with articles about: Effects of meditation on body and mind – scientific research findings; How meditation can help your brain…