The Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe; a contemplation
I was contemplating Kelvin zero, absolute standstill, and what may lie beyond/prior to that. Then I started thinking about the opposite direction; the speed of light, and whether there is also an upper limit to temperature, when particle vibrations are approaching the speed of light?
It occurred to me that the speed of light limitation is really something that we are stuck with simply because we are, as yet, only dealing with the electromagnetic field and the occurrences in it that we call light (particles). Using light, information can only be passed from one point to another at a maximum speed – the speed of light. But with another information medium – say, thought – information may one day be shown to be possible to transport at a much higher speed – perhaps unlimited speed eventually…
Now, to the origin of the Universe. The idea of “the Big Bang” comes from the observations of phenomena in the electromagnetic field. It appears as if the Universe expands, because of how the light indicates (as the “Doppler effect”) movements in the field. And going by how light behaves, it seems there has occurred a Big Bang at a certain point, which has thus been calculated to have happened around 14 billion years ago. At the “time” of the Big Bang, space and everything in it is supposed to have started streaming out from… Nothingness, the Ultimate Mystery.
But the Big Bang never actually happened. It is just a construct based on the limitations of light, which happens to be the fastest moving information medium we know of, currently. What is actually going on is that space and everything in it is constantly and continually pouring forth from Nothingness. And this happens in every point of space.
Even if we were to accept the Big Bang, its centre cannot be located anywhere in our universe. The universe has no centre, since space itself ‘was’ created in the Big Bang. Space and everything in it is pouring forth at every point in space – out of Nothing. It is only due to using light as a measure for things that it appears to have had a beginning; the Big Bang. The real situation is that the Universe does not have a beginning and can therefore have no end, neither in time nor space.
The Big Bang never happened. Or if you prefer; the Big Bang is happening constantly, in every point of the Universe. And the Universe always was and always will be.
The Nothingness out of which space and everything in it pours is pure, infinite, chaotic “potential.” What pours out is the pure, infinite, chaotic, “white noise” that we end up calling “consciousness.” The occurrence of consciousness happens as if the Absolute Nothingness suddenly – albeit constantly and forever – “opens its eyes” to its own existence, and thus comes to realize that it is; “Aha, I am!”
What follows, i.e. is taking place without beginning, constantly and forever, is consciousness experiencing its own understanding of itself. It “sees itself” as the Universe, whilst all the while simply(!?) being consciousness, a “white” noise of beingness. A “white” noise of beingness that is forever experiencing itself in the particular way that it experiences itself; as a Universe.
At the root of everything in this appearing/apparent Universe is the Nothingness, which into every moment creates (pours forth) everything that is. Hence, also at the root of you, the sentient being who in this apparent moment is apparently reading these words, there is also at every moment the Nothingness. At the root of your being, what you are is Nothingness. Everything else is simply how consciousness – that which is being poured forth – sees/interprets/experiences itself. All that you see/experience is “a stage play” in/by/of consciousness, produced by consciousness’ perception of itself.
Yet, the source for the seeing/experience, which is your nature at the very root, is… Nothing. You are nothing – and not even that – and You express as everything, now and forever. You are the origin of the Universe, and You are space and everything in it. You are the Universe and that which is prior/beyond; Nothingness, completely, purely and absolutely. You are Absolute Nothingness, and as such completely, purely and absolutely at peace – the Peace of the Stillness beyond/prior to absolute standstill, beyond/prior to Kelvin zero.