Marriage and Relationship Counselling

Being in a loving relationship is arguably the most beautiful and fulfilling experience that two people can have together. At the same time, ensuring that a relationship is – and continues to be – loving, is arguably also one of the most difficult challenges that two people can take on. 
So, to sometimes need the support, advice and guidance of marriage and relationship counselling is absolutely normal!

When things have gone wrong, and you don’t know how to resolve the issues that are challenging your relationship…

Or, when you simply want to make sure that you know how to stop things from going wrong in your relationship in the future…

Then a good Marriage Counsellor or Relationship Counsellor can provide you with the guidance, the solutions and the tools that you need!

Best Marriage counselors in Brisbane 2016Best Marriage counselors in Brisbane 2017Best Marriage counselors in Brisbane 2018Best Marriage counselors in Brisbane 2019Best Marriage counselors in Brisbane 2020Best Marriage counselors in Brisbane 2021

To schedule an appointment for Marriage and Relationship Counselling, don’t delay, contact me today; on the phone (07) 3716 0600 or in a message via the email form!

Marriage and Relationship Counselling can help you…

• defuse heated arguments • resolve conflicts constructively
• heal hurt and misunderstandings • communicate non-defensively
• break co-dependency patterns • co-operate as equals in a team
• rebuild trust and respect • revive intimacy and affection
• restore appreciation and love • make your relationship truly fulfilling

If you feel that your relationship is not quite as satisfying as you would like it to be, but you don’t exactly know what the issues are that are causing this, you may want to visit the Relationship Satisfaction Assessment page. The Relationship Satisfaction Calculator on that page will help you determine what works well and what does not work so well in your relationship.

I have provided Marriage and Relationship Counselling for couples in Brisbane since 1992, and you can confidently turn to me for help with addressing any kind of relationship issue!

Obviously, there is no need for you to “click the link below” (as it says in the video) since you are already on this page. However, if you are interested in watching some of the other videos from this series about Marriage-Relationship-Couple Counselling, please, visit my YouTube channel by clicking on this link: Integrating Awareness on YouTube

To schedule an appointment for Marriage and Relationship Counselling, don’t delay, contact me today; on the phone (07) 3716 0600 or in a message via the email form!

The Fulfilling Relationship

The exact content of Marriage and Relationship Counselling for couples is of course always determined by each couple’s needs. Nevertheless, in marriage and relationship counselling, just as in personal counselling and individual psychotherapy, it is crucial that we first of all create a good therapeutic relationship. What this means is that the relationship between the counsellor/therapist and the clients is based on heartfelt understanding, so that you have a clear sense that I really get you; that I understand what is going on for you – emotionally as well as in the practical reality of your life together.

After working with hundreds of couples from all walks of life, it has become evident that there are certain fundamental principles that need to be in place for a relationship to be truly fulfilling.

Firstly, what fundamentally determines the quality of all connections between people, in relationships as well as in life generally, is their ability to be Authentic, Personal and Present with one another. You can read more about that here: Being Authentic, Personal and Present.

Secondly, to have a truly Fulfilling Relationship, the two people in the relationship must be committed to work together toward mutual satisfaction in every aspect of their life together. How this applies in the relationship counselling is described by the Fulfilling Relationship approach. This highly effective approach to marriage and relationship counselling is based on a balanced combination of open sharing and guidance, effective exercises and take-home tasks, which gently transform relationships from ordinary to extraordinary.

A process which embodies the core of the Fulfilling Relationship approach is the “Establishing Agreements that Satisfy Everyone” [EASE] process. Read an article about the EASE process…

To find out more about how my approach to Marriage and Relationship Counselling for couples will work in your particular situation, and/or to simply schedule an appointment for Marriage and Relationship Counselling, don’t delay, contact me today; on the phone (07) 3716 0600 or in a message via the email form!

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