Clinical group supervision in Brisbane
If you have come straight to this page, perhaps by doing a Google search on “group supervision in Brisbane”, it is important that you first read the page ‘Clinical supervision…‘, and then come back to continue reading this page. That page contains a lot of information that applies to this page, and that makes no sense to repeat here.
Clinical group supervision is a very useful approach to clinical supervision for counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers and anyone else who is working therapeutically with clients in a clinical setting on mental/emotional/psychological issues – for short, I use the term “therapist” to refer to all of these.
Group supervision provides everything that one-on-one supervision provides, as far as enhancing treatment skills and professional competency, and increasing therapeutic awareness, but group supervision also has other advantages;
- It is obviously more cost effective, since the supervisor fee is shared across the group. Requirements from professional associations are still met, as long as the group has no more than six participants.
- With a group of therapists present, a greater range of feedback, support, challenges and viewpoints on clinical issues can be obtained than in one-on-one supervision.
- Group supervision allows participants to gain insights into the challenges that are shared between therapists, rather than be stuck with the belief that no one else has the same issues to deal with.
- The support that a group can offer its members is greater than what an individual supervisor can offer.
Group supervision in Brisbane
After over 30 years of professional experience in private practice as a therapist, and consequently as a supervisee, I can definitely claim that I have seen a lot of what works and what does not work in group supervision in Brisbane. My approach to group supervision is that the supervisees not only get supervision, but also learn about the process of supervision, since they most likely one day will find themselves in the role of supervising others.
To this end the group is introduced to a selection of approaches to clinical supervision, and get the opportunity to experientially learn how these work, as they address issues relating to specific client cases. But clinical supervision is not only about client cases. It is also part of clinical supervision to address other, perhaps broader, issues that may exist in the therapy situation, other than those limited to one client alone.
Details for the group supervision in Brisbane that I am providing;
- groups meet monthly, daytime, for five 2 hour sessions;
- groups consists of 4 participants only, so that each participant gets real value from their experience;
- the participation fee is $50/h, i.e. $100 per session for each participant, which must be paid up front in advance (= $500 in total for the five sessions)
If you are looking for group supervision in Brisbane, don’t delay, contact me today!
Note: If the ‘open’ supervision group does not suit your schedule and/or purposes, and you are part of a work group who would like to arrange supervision, this can also be arranged – at your workplace or in my clinic space, which ever suits you best.