Traditional Mindfulness Meditation course registration

Welcome to the Registration page for the Traditional Mindfulness Meditation course!

The registration is done in two steps, and it is very important that you follow through with the instructions, or your registration will be incomplete and we will not be able to reach you with all the information leading up to the course!

Step 1

The first step is to make your payment for the course via the PayPal secure payment system, by use
of a credit card or via your existing PayPal account.

If you follow the instructions on the PayPal site, once your payment has been completed, you will automatically be taken to our Thanks for registering! page.

If you are not automatically taken to our Thanks for registering! page, you will need to go to that page manually (see Step 2 below).

Sorry, automated registration for the course on 29 October is now closed. You may still be able to register though, if you contact me via phone or email.

Step 2

Complete your registration on our Thanks for registering! page.

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