Midlife crisis checklist

I found this midlife crisis checklist on the website for the Mirror (UK), and thought it was funny enough (and also quite pertinent) to share with you.

Check the list and see how many apply to you…

  1. Wanting a simpler life
  2. Still going to festivals like Glastonbury
  3. Looking up old boyfriends or girlfriends on Facebook
  4. Realising you’ll never pay off your mortgage
  5. Joining Twitter so your bosses think you “get” digital
  6. Reminiscing about your childhood a lot
  7. Taking no pleasure in friends’ success
  8. Buying a very expensive bicycle
  9. Suddenly wanting to learn a musical instrument
  10. Worrying over your thinning hair
  11. Taking up a new hobby
  12. Suddenly wanting to make the world a better place
  13. Looking longingly at old pictures of your younger self
  14. Fearing the worst if a parent calls at an unexpected time
  15. Going to reunions of favourite bands from the 70s and 80s
  16. Switching from Radio 2 to indie stations like 6 Music
  17. Revisiting holiday destinations you remember from childhood
  18. You cannot envisage a time when you will be able to afford to retire
  19. Reading obituaries and always checking how people died
  20. Obsessively comparing your looks with others the same age
  21. Dyeing your hair when it’s grey
  22. Stopping telling people your age
  23. Dreaming about quitting work but knowing you’ll never be able to afford to
  24. Taking vitamin pills
  25. Worrying about being worse off in your retirement than your parents
  26. Wanting to change friends but not meeting anyone new that you like
  27. Thinking about quitting work to buy a B&B or a pub
  28. Flirting with people 20 years younger
  29. Looking up your medical symptoms on the internet
  30. Thinking about going to church but never acting on it
  31. Always noting when politicians or bosses are younger than you
  32. Thinking of having a hair transplant or plastic surgery
  33. Taking out a direct debit to a charity
  34. Can’t sleep for work woes.
  35. Hang­overs get worse and last more than a day
  36. You can’t help but compare your career success with your friends
  37. Worrying about a younger person taking your job
  38. Taking up an extreme sport
  39. You are very easily distracted
  40. You only read books on holiday

If your score was…

0-10 You are obviously too young to understand the question

11-20 Aren’t you a bit TOO relaxed about ageing? Don’t you know you’re going to DIE?

21-30 That’s more like it. Worried but not on the verge of hysteria

31-40 Calm down you crazy old loon. At this rate you’ll never remember why you went upstairs

On a more serious note…

On my website there is a more in-depth article on midlife crisis that you may want to read. As you will find in that article, midlife crisis isn’t just a joke. It’s an important stage of development in human life, and anyone who experiences a crisis around their mid life would be wise to consider seeking the advice and guidance from an experienced professional; contact me today!

Integrating Awareness on Facebook

Have you checked out the videos and images on Integrating Awareness Facebook Page yet? You may want to do that – some of them will make you laugh, some may make you cry, some will simply give you something to think about. Feel free to Like, Comment and Share the videos/images with your friends too, and of course make sure to Like the page itself, to receive updates on future additions to the collection!

Be well, and enjoy being!
Kind regards,

Lars Andersson

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