Mindfulness; current research findings

The benefits from developing mindfulness skills is continuing to be demonstrated by scientific research projects all over the world. I have recently published an article on my website, in which I summarise a few interesting research findings from the past year.


  • People with high dispositional mindfulness have better cardiovascular health, i.e. are at lower risk for suffering heart attacks.
  • The simple practice of counting your breaths can increase mindfulness, and thus decrease mind-wandering and improve your mood.
  • Mindfulness skills training increases working memory capacity and improves study results.
  • Mindfulness skills training significantly reduces the risk for relapse for drug & alcohol abusers, as compared with standard 12-step programs.

Read the full article here (should only take you a few minutes): Mindfulness research findings

Read more about mindfulness and mindfulness skills training here: Mindfulness

To find out how mindfulness skills training can help you tackle the challenges that you may be facing currently, contact me now!

Be well, and enjoy being!

Kind regards,

Lars Andersson

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