Passive relationship abuse

There are many forms of relationship abuse. Most relationship abuse is recognised as “active abuse,” but I reckon there is another, less recognised form of abuse too; “passive abuse,” which can be equally destructive to relationship quality.

Similar to passive aggression, before it was “discovered” and named, passive relationship abuse has been flying under the radar until now, it seems. Well, this should be the end of that stealth operation then, and it is my hope that by identifying and naming it we can begin to move toward its eradication – and this is just as important as it is to eradicate active relationship abuse.

Active vs. Passive relationship abuse

Fundamentally, active relationship abuse is what is occurring anytime that someone (Person A) is forcing someone else (Person B) into experiences that Person B does not want to experience. This can be a matter of physical abuse, psychological-emotional abuse, or a combination of the two!

Similarly, passive relationship abuse is about someone (Person C) forcing another (Person D) into experiences that Person D does not want to experience. However, in this case it is not done by means of overtly aggressive physical or/and psychological-emotional actions, but typically by inaction or by seemingly innocuous actions by Person C.

Active abuse is easily identified, and has been declared unlawful, for the protection of us all – in the case that we end up being Person B in this kind of scenario. In the case of passive abuse, no such protection exists.

If any of this rings bells of recognition, in your relationship or in the relationship of someone you know, you may want to read the full article…

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Be well, and enjoy being!

Kind regards,

Lars Andersson

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