Sleep problems, and their implications
How is your sleep? Are you sleeping as well as you would like to do? Are you tired through the day, due to never really getting quite the sleep quality you would like? Do you sometimes (or regularly) resort to taking sleep medications for getting the sleep you need? Maybe your sleep is fine, but someone you care about suffers from sleep problems – then please pass this information on to them!
Sleep problems and a lack of natural sleep can have severe implications to our health…
For example, researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston tracked the habits of more than four thousand adolescents over a year, and discovered that teenagers who don’t get enough sleep are four times more likely to develop major depression than their peers. Click here, to read more about this research.
It is also suggested, e.g. by Dr V. Thakkar, Clinical Assistant Professor of psychiatry at NYU Langone Medical Center, that what is diagnosed as ADHD in children as well as adults, many times may actually be indications of insufficient or disordered sleep! Click here, to read more about this.
Insufficient sleep is related to a whole range of other health problems too; diabetes, cardiovascular disease, poor immune function, cognitive decline in later years etc. It is possible that poor sleep affects our genes, and that this explains the variety of health problems associated with sleep disorders, as a scientists at England’s University of Surrey have found. Click here, to read more about this.
And if those issues are not bad enough, a massive study involving more that two hundred thousand participants showed that sleep apnea – a condition often associated with overweight – increases the risk of brain tumours 1.47 times! A good reason to finally do something about those extra kilos, before they take over your health condition entirely!
If you recognise that your sleep is not what you would like it to be, and you prefer to avoid the the risks that come with sleep medications, you may want to consider this alternative; Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy, a natural, safe, mindfulness-based approach, that is supported by research and at least as effective as pharmaceutical “solutions.”
For more information, and to arrange a consultation to find out what I can do to help, don’t delay, contact me today!
Other than that, have a great Christmas and Holiday season!
Be well, and enjoy being!
Kind regards,
Lars Andersson