Tag awareness
Inspirational Perspectives, Part 3
This article offers various perspectives on Consciousness, Ultimate Truth, The Source, The Absolute, God, whatever you may choose to call it. There is a longer introduction to what that refers to, and what the title of these articles refers to,…
Inspirational Perspectives, Part 2
This article offers various perspectives on Enlightenment, Ultimate Truth, The Source, The Absolute, God, whatever you may choose to call it. There is a longer introduction to what that refers to, and what the title of these articles refers to,…
Inspirational Perspectives, Part 1
Fundamentally, all spiritual paths are created for the purpose of helping the “spiritual seeker” find the Ultimate Truth, The Source, The Absolute, God, whatever you may choose to call it. Actually, what you call it is not really important, because…
Living in the present
We often talk about the importance of living in the present, but really, what do we mean by that? Do we mean that literally? Then, how long is that present? From a physics/mathematics perspective the present moment has no duration.…
Eating-mindfulness; informal mindfulness practice
In mindfulness meditation you practise bringing your awareness back to, and remaining in contact with your actual, lived experience. Formal mindfulness meditation can also be complemented with informal mindfulness practices, where you, even momentarily, disengage from the thinking activity, by…