Tag counselling
Videos about marriage-relationship-couple counselling
Earlier this year a young woman from Korea came to interview me on the subject of Love, and how couples can be helped to have more quality in their relationship. Her name is Suyoung Kim, and in 2011 she went…
Passive abuse in your relationship?
There are many forms of abuse that may occur in a relationship. Most abuse is recognised as “active abuse,” but there is another, less recognised form of abuse too; “passive abuse,” which can be equally destructive to relationship quality. The…
Life Coaching and Counselling
In many respects Life Coaching and Counselling are similar; they are both aiming at making your life more rewarding and fulfilling. But they tend to start from different positions. Counselling typically starts from the recognition that there is something wrong,…
Mindfulness-based therapy
Mindfulness is about non-judgemental awareness in the here-and-now of one’s actual sensory experience + thoughts, feelings, reactions, behaviour and functioning. It is about noticing what is happening in each moment, to fully experience one’s life as it happens, rather than…
Gestalt Awareness and Dialogue
=================================== Gestalt [pronounced gue (as in guest) – sch – tullt] is originally a German word (literally meaning form, shape), incorporated into English, with the meaning “an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts”.…