Tag inspiration
Inspirational Perspectives, Part 3
This article offers various perspectives on Consciousness, Ultimate Truth, The Source, The Absolute, God, whatever you may choose to call it. There is a longer introduction to what that refers to, and what the title of these articles refers to,…
Inspirational Perspectives, Part 2
This article offers various perspectives on Enlightenment, Ultimate Truth, The Source, The Absolute, God, whatever you may choose to call it. There is a longer introduction to what that refers to, and what the title of these articles refers to,…
Inspirational Perspectives, Part 1
Fundamentally, all spiritual paths are created for the purpose of helping the “spiritual seeker” find the Ultimate Truth, The Source, The Absolute, God, whatever you may choose to call it. Actually, what you call it is not really important, because…
Life with a Purpose – workshop;Know and Live your Life Purpose
If you are longing to know your Life Purpose, the Blueprint of your soul, then the “Life with a Purpose” workshop is for you! The Blueprint Deep within your soul there is a force which is driving toward fulfilment. This…
The Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe; a contemplation
I was contemplating Kelvin zero, absolute standstill, and what may lie beyond/prior to that. Then I started thinking about the opposite direction; the speed of light, and whether there is also an upper limit to temperature, when particle vibrations are…