Tag life coaching
The six essential ingredients that make work meaningful
I don’t think I have ever met anyone who would not want their life to be meaningful. Yet, I find it surprising how little thought people apply to how they can make work meaningful. Sure, one of the reasons for…
What makes people take decisions and change
I was contacted the other day by a group from Suncorp Innovation Labs, who are in the process of developing new approaches to providing services to their customers, existing and future. They are trying to figure out what makes people…
Life coaching fundamentals
This is the October 2012 issue of the Integrating Awareness Newsletter. The theme for this issue is Life Coaching, with articles about: What is a Life Coach?, and what can a Life Coach help with; GROW-SMART; a commonly used model…
What is a Life Coach?
Over the last couple of decades the term ‘Life Coaching’ has become part of the common vocabulary in most parts of the Western culture. While the usefulness of a coach in the pursuit of optimal sports performance has been obvious…
The GROW-SMART Life Coaching model
The GROW-SMART model is a process for goal setting and problem solving, which is commonly used in Life Coaching. It provides an effective, structured methodology that is easy to understand and straightforward to apply. It can be used to successfully…
Life Coaching and Counselling
In many respects Life Coaching and Counselling are similar; they are both aiming at making your life more rewarding and fulfilling. But they tend to start from different positions. Counselling typically starts from the recognition that there is something wrong,…