Videos about marriage-relationship-couple counselling
Earlier this year a young woman from Korea came to interview me on the subject of Love, and how couples can be helped to have more quality in their relationship.
Her name is Suyoung Kim, and in 2011 she went on a trip around the world to interview people about what their dreams are – a very interesting and inspiring project! You can learn more about this project and watch a short video about it here: Dream Panorama
Now Suyoung has embarked on her next project, and hence her next journey around the world. This time she is interviewing people about Love, and I happened to be one of the people she chose to interview.
After the interview, Suyoung was kind enough to provide me with a copy of the interview video, which I have now selected snippets from, for the purpose of giving people an idea of what marriage-relationship-couple counselling may have to offer them.
I have recently uploaded these videos about marriage-relationship-couple counselling to my YouTube channel, and I’m inviting you to check them out – I believe you will find them interesting!
Click this link to visit my YouTube channel: Integrating Awareness on YouTube
And when/if you do, also please, LIKE them if you like them, and COMMENT to your heart’s delight – this will help getting the videos noticed by others who may also find them worthwhile, you see. And of course, feel free to SHARE them with your friends. There are buttons for doing all that stuff under the videos on YouTube – you’ll work it out.
If you want to read more about the relationship counselling that I offer, please visit this page on my website: Marriage and Relationship Counselling. And, if you want a bit of assistance with tackling the challenges that your marriage/relationship may be facing currently, don’t delay, contact me today!
Be well, and enjoy being!
Kind regards,
Lars Andersson